Why Pro Repro

In the U.S., reproductive health services have been difficult to access and unaffordable for many.  Unlike most OECD countries, the U.S. does not have federal policies providing family- and health-focused benefits for all Americans.  With the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, the lack of a supportive ecosystem for reproductive health is expected to become more difficult, placing more of a burden on American workers and their employers.

Access to a full range of reproductive health services has been immediately banned in 13 states.  An additional 13 states are expected to enact legislation limiting access for a total of 26 states, home to 37.4 million people of childbearing age, with limited access to basic reproductive health services.  These women will be at greater risk of poverty, potential displacement from the workforce, and potential criminalization for seeking these services. 

From a business perspective, legal changes impacting access to reproductive health services presents a risk and an opportunity.  Businesses that do not offer supplemental benefits to employees are expected to experience higher employee turnover due to employees seeking employment with organizations that do provide Pro Repro benefits and employees who leave the workforce - either temporarily or permanently - due to pregnancy and family-care obligations, and lower productivity due to workers’ absence and distraction due to reproductive health needs. Business-to-consumer organizations that do not provide Pro Repro benefits may experience lower revenue due to consumer preference for brands that support Pro Repro rights. 

Data supports that businesses that provide Pro Repro benefits are more likely to retain employees, reduce turnover, and have a loyal, productive workforce.  

Who We Are

Spearheaded by Gender IDEAL, we support and advocate for the advancement of economic empowerment of people who can become pregnant, including women’s economic empowerment, worker rights and workplace equity. We have generated these resources to create an opportunity for companies to ensure the economic security and reproductive health protections of their extended workforce.

Make a donation.

If you care about advancing gender equity at work and the connection between protecting workers’ reproductive health and business, support our efforts with a donation.
